

2006 Khenko celebrates the return of the heron to the waters of False Creek after many years of industrial pollution. This artwork takes it's origin form the genre of early Canadiana folk objects depicting flying birds. 200 years ago these were often crafted at home and erected in the back yard. In high force winds the sails govern themselves by planing and doing 360's. Location: George Waynborn Park, False Creek, Vancouver, BC Dedication: Dr. David Lam, Former Lt. Governor of British Columbia...

Purple Martin

2002 Sculpture Concept: “The swallow  represents the flight path of the bird as it feeds in the evening light. The inspiration came from the 'nesting box' program initiated by the Ministry of the Environment located adjacent to the site. Being a kinetic wind activated sculpture this piece also contains a metaphor of continual change. So building this piece has been a risky process… just about as risky as the flight of the insect which is about to become swallow's dinner.” "It's a continuously moving wind activated coiled spring… clearly the metaphor embraces the risks...

Whistler Whiskey Jack

2001 Location: Plaza of Champions, Creekside, Whistler, BC This balancing mobile sculpture features  the Whiskey Jack about to land on Whistler Mountain. A peanut rotates inside her belly because they’ll take them  right out of your hand if you let them. Inspired by an early Canadian toy....

Ford Groove

2000 This truck once worked the blueberry fields that are now all blacktopped. As the trembling Aspen grow larger the ‘52 Ford  will rise higher. Nature and technology are truly engaged in this piece. Ford Grove  addresses the historic  erosion of  farmland over the past decades: ubiquitous fields of blueberries have been replaced with strip malls, condo developments and warehousing . . . an ongoing eradication of some of the world’s richest farmland. This Ford pickup was at one time working in those blueberry fields! This metaphor of the machine  being invaded by...

Mr Lead

1998 Location: Mattick’s Market, Cordova Bay, Vancouver Island, BC You’ve heard of Mr. Ed the horse that used to talk? Well this is Mr. Lead the horse that’s made to walk. The asymmetrical canter of this wind machine also features a birdwoman rider who disappears into his belly...


1996 Location: Kitsilano Pool, Vancouver, BC, Canada Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation Dedication:  Herb and Mary Auerbach This swimming lady is doing the crawl, her arms and legs powered by the wind. In stormy  weather this high tech whirligig self governs, slowing down to protect itself....